Current Happenings…

HEAL 3.0: April 30th Launch Date

HEAL 3.0: April 30th Launch Date

Book project #1

Heal 3.0 is a compilation of powerful stories of Healing and Hope, contributed by inspirational authors.

On April 30th there will be a virtual launch @ 12pm MST.

If you’d like to contribute and donate to the project to help cover costs, go to the ‘Take Action’ section on this website.

If you’d like to put in an order for the book, email for more info.

Small-Group YOgalates

Tuesdays @3:30pm unless re-scheduled. Typical make-up days are Monday or Wednesday, or a week-end time. Scheduling can be flexible with the small-group option. Up to 4 people per group. 2 spots left at the moment!

The session’s foundation is based on yoga practices, with a focus on core while providing a pilates’ twist.

New Member Special ~ Come to 2 weeks consecutively in a row and receive the 3rd week FREE

Email Amanda to register or for more info:

Small-group Yogalates

Small-group Yogalates


Weekend Warrior Meditation Group

70-minutes of yoga flow + guided meditation + accountability + inspiration

~ 3 mornings/month

Group size limited to 6 warriors and so reserve your spot and put in a request for day & time. Typically Friday, Saturday or Sunday morning/late morning.